My resistance to Bulletproof coffee was not Bulletproof, it turns out...

Through reading "Eat Fat, Get Thin", by Dr. Mark Hyman, I have become familiar with the science and benefits of Bulletproof, and discovered how crazy delicious and filling it is. So simple, and makes it so I do not miss dairy, or cream of any sort in my coffee. I actually can't imagine ever going back. I am now trying to figure out how I can have a blender with at all times. Bigger purse? Mary Poppins carpet bag?? Hmm...we'll see, but I'm quickly becoming addicted to Bulletproof coffee (And Tea. You don't need the caffeine to enjoy it's frothy deliciousness.)


So here is a basic recipe (Oh, BTW, in order for to be true Bulletcoffee, you need to order the special beans from Dave Asprey's site, so I guess what I'm drinking is Almost Bulletproof Coffee)

1-2 cups of coffee

1-2 TBS MCT (Medium Chain Trygliceride) OIl

1-2TBS Grass-fed butter, Ghee or Coconut Oil. 

1/4-1/2 tsp cinnamon (optional but delicious)

Blend until frothy, drink with abandon! 



All you need for Bulletproof Coffee or Tea

All you need for Bulletproof Coffee or Tea

Breanna BrownComment