Meal Inspiration

No recipes, just photos, just food for thought, literally. Get creative, use this as inspiration. Delicious meals don't have to be complicated. 

Grilled, pastured Flank steak (yes, i like it well done), sautéed mixed veggies, and arugula salad. Get creative with these ingredients using various spices, oils, vinegars and fats!

Grilled, pastured Flank steak (yes, i like it well done), sautéed mixed veggies, and arugula salad. Get creative with these ingredients using various spices, oils, vinegars and fats!

Oven baked chicken drumsticks, avocado, and sautéed english peas with basil and feta cheese.

Oven baked chicken drumsticks, avocado, and sautéed english peas with basil and feta cheese.

Buckwheat pancakes, fruit, and scrambled eggs, with the leftover flank steak. Don't forget to repurpose leftovers!

Buckwheat pancakes, fruit, and scrambled eggs, with the leftover flank steak. Don't forget to repurpose leftovers!

Breanna Brown